New Collaboration Fast-tracks MDiv Degree

   校园新闻 |发布于2024年6月6日

The Bachelor of Arts in Theology program and the Master of Divinity (MDiv) program at bet365中文大学 are collaborating to provide an easier pathway for students to complete both the undergraduate and graduate programs. In the 2024–2025 school year, undergraduate theology students will have the opportunity to partake in 15 shared credits of upper-division classes that will count toward both their undergraduate degree and a subsequent MDiv degree. Through increased overlap and simplicity, both degree programs hope to increase efficiency for students.

费尔南多·奥尔蒂斯, MDiv项目主管, expressed his excitement about and approval of the partnership between the undergraduate Department of Religion & Biblical Languages and the graduate program in the 基督复临安息日会 Theological Seminary. “This collaboration is an unprecedented opportunity for undergraduate students at Andrews to have a seamless transition to the Seminary and save time. We are thrilled to enhance the opportunities for both programs.”

Because many undergraduate theology students go on to pursue an MDiv or other graduate-level programs at the Seminary after graduation, it made sense to Ortiz and Rodney Palmer, chair of the Department of Religion & Biblical Languages, to provide a simpler path for students to pursue their academic and career goals.

The partnership also allows students from the Department of Religion & Biblical Languages the opportunity to go into the pastoral field after graduation and gain valuable ministerial experience. 然后, they may return to Andrews and begin a graduate degree in the Seminary with a head start because of the upper-level classes they have already taken.

The collaboration is expected to benefit not only students but also the distinct programs and their faculties. Palmer stated that he believes the collaboration will allow for “a greater working relationship between the Seminary and the undergrad program,” since the two programs are currently separated under different schools within the greater bet365中文大学 umbrella. Ortiz is hopeful that the added benefits and easier connection between the two programs will entice more students to attend both the MDiv program and undergraduate theology program.

This new collaboration is one of several initiatives being developed to increase the number of theology students attending the University. For example, the Lake Union Conference 最近宣布 a new scholarship program for religion and education majors who are members of the Lake Union.

Although the collaboration is designated to begin in the upcoming 2024–2025 school year, Palmer expects that some current sophomore and junior students will take advantage of this opportunity and apply to earn Seminary credits early. After a review of their degree progress and timeline, these students will be able to take advantage of the positive changes being made to theological studies at bet365中文大学.

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